Thomas Vailly & Itay Ohaly — The creative factory
2012.05.07— “The creative factory is a collective of designers reclaiming control over their creations. Within an empty factory in Eindhoven they create their individual production line, their machines, tools and products, while establishing relationships with the community around them. The
Thomas Vailly & Itay Ohaly — The creative factory
2012.05.07— “The creative factory is a collective of designers reclaiming control over their creations. Within an empty factory in Eindhoven they create their individual production line, their machines, tools and products, while establishing relationships with the community around them. The
M/M (Paris) — The Carpetalogue
M/M (Paris), The Carpetalogue. Commissioned by Libby Sellers 2012.10.10. — 2012.12.15.
M/M (Paris) — The Carpetalogue
M/M (Paris), The Carpetalogue. Commissioned by Libby Sellers 2012.10.10. — 2012.12.15.
Fabio Ongarato — Then x Ten
Fabio Ongarato, “Then x Ten“ Featuring illustrated posters by: Eda Akaltun, Emily Forgot, Genevieve Gauckler, Sanghon Kim, Petra Mrzyk and Jean-François Moriceau, Felix Pfaffli, Keiichi Tananmi, Kam Tang, Craig Redman and Karl Maier, Jonathan Zawada. Exhibition design: Fabio Ongarato design
Fabio Ongarato — Then x Ten
Fabio Ongarato, “Then x Ten“ Featuring illustrated posters by: Eda Akaltun, Emily Forgot, Genevieve Gauckler, Sanghon Kim, Petra Mrzyk and Jean-François Moriceau, Felix Pfaffli, Keiichi Tananmi, Kam Tang, Craig Redman and Karl Maier, Jonathan Zawada. Exhibition design: Fabio Ongarato design
Denis Elbers & Tiensencoo — Small Stories, Bigger Picture: Visual Storytelling
Small Stories, Bigger Picture: Visual Storytelling, Creative Directors Denis Elbers – GDFB – & TIESENCOO, Exhibition Curators Denis Elbers & Guest Curator Sven Ehmann – Gestalten, at MOTI for GDFB2012. Exhibition design: TIESENCOO. Graphic design: YURR. Photographer: Rene de Wit
Denis Elbers & Tiensencoo — Small Stories, Bigger Picture: Visual Storytelling
Small Stories, Bigger Picture: Visual Storytelling, Creative Directors Denis Elbers – GDFB – & TIESENCOO, Exhibition Curators Denis Elbers & Guest Curator Sven Ehmann – Gestalten, at MOTI for GDFB2012. Exhibition design: TIESENCOO. Graphic design: YURR. Photographer: Rene de Wit
Les plus beaux livres suisses, 2012
Les plus beaux livres suisses 2012 Photographie : Oliver Sutter, copyright Office fédéral de la culture, Berne. Photographie (pour l’image de couverture) : Scheltens & Abbenes, copyright Office fédéral de la culture, Berne.
Les plus beaux livres suisses, 2012
Les plus beaux livres suisses 2012 Photographie : Oliver Sutter, copyright Office fédéral de la culture, Berne. Photographie (pour l’image de couverture) : Scheltens & Abbenes, copyright Office fédéral de la culture, Berne.
Grégoire Romanet — Macules et Conception
Grégoire Romanet. Macules et Conception, Chapelle des Jésuites, Cambrai, France 2012. Design & Production: Grégoire Romanet Crédits photographiques : Grégoire Romanet
Grégoire Romanet — Macules et Conception
Grégoire Romanet. Macules et Conception, Chapelle des Jésuites, Cambrai, France 2012. Design & Production: Grégoire Romanet Crédits photographiques : Grégoire Romanet
Les graphiquants — Floating
Les Graphiquants. Floating, Une Saison Graphique, for Une Saison Graphique 11, at Galerie 65, Ecole supérieure d’art du Havre. Exhibition design: Les Graphiquants Graphic design: Les Graphiquants Photographer: Virgile Laguin 2012.05.13. — 2012.05.29. Ecole supérieure d’Art et design, Le Havre
Les graphiquants — Floating
Les Graphiquants. Floating, Une Saison Graphique, for Une Saison Graphique 11, at Galerie 65, Ecole supérieure d’art du Havre. Exhibition design: Les Graphiquants Graphic design: Les Graphiquants Photographer: Virgile Laguin 2012.05.13. — 2012.05.29. Ecole supérieure d’Art et design, Le Havre
Curated by Pierre-Yves CachardPresented by Bibliothèque du Havre, for Une Saison GraphiqueExhibition design: Jean SchneiderGraphic design: OstengruppePhotographer: Virgile Laguin 2012.05.09.—2012.06.30 Bibliothèque Universitaire du Havre 7, rue Philippe Lebon76600 Le Havre
Curated by Pierre-Yves CachardPresented by Bibliothèque du Havre, for Une Saison GraphiqueExhibition design: Jean SchneiderGraphic design: OstengruppePhotographer: Virgile Laguin 2012.05.09.—2012.06.30 Bibliothèque Universitaire du Havre 7, rue Philippe Lebon76600 Le Havre
Richard Hollis
Richard Hollis. Commissioned by Libby Sellers curated by Emily King, 2012. Photography by Ed Reeve. 2012.03.23 — 2012.04.26. Richard Hollis, curated by Emily King, 2012
Richard Hollis
Richard Hollis. Commissioned by Libby Sellers curated by Emily King, 2012. Photography by Ed Reeve. 2012.03.23 — 2012.04.26. Richard Hollis, curated by Emily King, 2012
Frédéric Teschner — Le Secret des anneaux de Saturne
Frédéric Teschner, Le Secret des anneaux de Saturne. 2011.09.08— 2011.10.23 Maison d’art Bernard Anthonioz, Nogent-sur-Marne. Curator: Étienne Bernard.
Frédéric Teschner — Le Secret des anneaux de Saturne
Frédéric Teschner, Le Secret des anneaux de Saturne. 2011.09.08— 2011.10.23 Maison d’art Bernard Anthonioz, Nogent-sur-Marne. Curator: Étienne Bernard.